Matcha Leaf & Muffin Magic
"Matcha Leaf & Muffin Magic" is a delightful short-form animated series that follows the heartwarming adventures of two best friends: an anthropomorphic matcha tea cup named Matcha Leaf, or "Leaf" for short, and Muffin, a charming bipedal fluffy dog. Together, they navigate their world with humor and joy, turning ordinary moments into magical ones.
Each 5-15 second episode is a burst of laughter, fun, or sweetness, showcasing the simple yet enchanting bond between Matcha Leaf and Muffin. Their mission? To spread happiness and warmth, one tiny tale at a time.
I'm Muffin!
Muffin, the bipedal fluffy dog with a heart as big as his playful antics, dances through life on two legs, leaving a trail of laughter and paw prints wherever he goes.
Favorite colors!
I'm Matcha
With a spirit as soothing as a warm cup of tea, Matcha Leaf, affectionately known as "Leaf," is an anthropomorphic matcha tea cup who brings a splash of joy and a sprinkle of wisdom to every gathering.
I love you!